MAIN Kick Off After Party

What better way to celebrate the biggest and best game of footy this side of the Great Dividing Range, than to come and catch some damned good live music at the local?!
$10 entry – all proceeds go to MAINfm.
Entry includes a free pot of Stone & Wood Pacific Ale or a house wine (Thanks Bridge Hotel!!!)
Whadda lineup:
DAVO – Castlemaine’s biggest and best covers band! Sure to give you an uncontrollable urge to dance! Featuring members of: The OOga Boogas, Affordable Repayments, HR, & DEAD.
Gonzo – Thrash, stash, and bash at its finest. Formed in the sunny seaside town of Ocean Grove, Gonzo are a real life rock band that now resides in Melbourne. You can check out their last recording here: (coincidentally recorded smack bang in the middle of Campbells Creek!)
Aplegate – Lo-fi progressive pop & psychedelic jam outs?! Yes please. Here’s some of their live recordings for a bit of a taste: Formed in and loved by Castlemaine!